If Tash and Dev are your go-to source for finding the best swimwear in the world, you’ll agree with us that Olivia Perez should be your go-to source for just about everything else.  Tash, Dev, and Olivia Perez have developed a friendship over the years, and it’s perhaps because they were able to bond over a common thread. They have one, very major thing they have in common – they all believe that the best finds are those that you find through someone else. Or as Perez puts it, she is “one degree of separation between you and today’s trendsetters and tastemakers.”

Perez is credited for founding the blog Friend of a Friend in 2015. She’s grown to become a trusted ally for anyone hoping to find inside scoop in LA or NY, travel recs all over the world, or what’s going on at the new spot down the street. She’s the older sister, cool best friend, and the girl always on the hunt to discover the next best thing, who we trust without fail. She aims to create excitement and liveliness in peoples everyday lives.

We caught up with It Girl-Liv about how she got her start, why, and most importantly, what’s next for her. And since we will all be taking her coming recommendations, it’s what’s next for us, too.

It’s been so fun to grow alongside you and watch you build your brand/empire! Your blog Friend of a Friend has taken off and is easily one of the top and most reputable sites out there right now. What made you want to start Friend of a Friend and did you ever anticipate it being this big?

You’ve always been such a huge inspiration to me! There’s nothing better than growing with your friends, so I feel really lucky to witness your journey as well. I started Friend of a Friend as a catalyst for new dialogue – a way to inspire our readers to go out and explore uncharted territory, create their own trends, and make new friends through the process. I wanted to create a community that brought people together through interesting and real stories, that could exist both online and offline. I never in a million years thought I’d be where I am now, but I always keep my mindset exactly as it was the first day we launched. I started Friend of a Friend hungry for everything but with zero expectation.

Your insanely great style, gorgeous face and brilliant mind has put you on the map as one of NYC’s “It Girls.” Placing you front row at fashion shows and working with brands such as Chanel! You go girl. Have you always wanted to work in fashion? What’s your favorite part about the industry?

I’ve always loved fashion but never wanted it to be the foundation of my career. I went to NYU for journalism so writing has always been the most important part of anything I do – I want to tell stories. But I had fashion internships all through school at Teen Vogue and Hermés, so it’s been a dream to combine all my past experiences into my current work and be a part of such an eclectic, creative industry. By far, the best part are the people. Especially the young creatives in my field – the writers, designers, bloggers – have all been a dream to meet and collaborate with in the past six years. It’s rare you get to say your closest friends are the people you work with, but I’m lucky to work and grow with them. The finish line is better with friends.

You’ve always rolled with a pretty elite squad including supermodels like Bella and Gigi Hadid. You have managed to remain so humble and gracious. What do you do to stay grounded amongst the chaos? 

Mindfulness. I think it’s when you lose your mindfulness that your feet come off the ground because you’re not living in the moment anymore. A lot of people say that a crucial part of this industry is about networking and being everywhere at once, but I focus on nurturing the relationships that are important to me. Quality over quantity, being present, and conscious of your energy in the space. My industry can definitely have its glamorous moments, but its about taking care of the people around you, checking in on them, and supporting each other and yourself that matters on a day to day basis.

What advice would you give to a young woman wanting to start her own fashion blog?

Invest in yourself. Use whatever resources you have to surround yourself with the best team and energy to support yourself so that you can produce your best work. I always say collaborate don’t compete, so work with the people around you and don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’re only as good as the people around you.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Every person you meet in your life is a teacher. Treat everyone equally, be a sponge, and learn what you can from them.

What are your top 3 favorite fashion brands at the moment?

Nanushka, Ganni, and Cherry Los Angeles

Bikini or one piece?

Bikini (preferably by Monday 🙂 )

What item of clothing could you not live without?

The perfect pair of reworked denim.

Favorite place to grab a bite in NYC?

Bar Pitti, Cafe Gitane, and 4 Charles Prime Rib

What’s next?

We just re-did the website and are introducing a ton of new content series and a newsletter! Sign up on the site 🙂

Follow Olivia on Instagram.

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