Whether you’re being hammered at work, cramming for upcoming exams, or stuck in grid-lock traffic on the 405, it’s fair to say you’re probably stressed. Experiencing some form of stress these days is inevitable, and some people fall victim to it much easier than others – like the stress of waiting to see which Bachelor Rachel is going to choose…

Emotional stress is likely the most common, but depending on how you manage it, there is the potential for it to get physical. Stress is like that one friend that causes you constant grief, but you know their heart is in the right place.

Basically, back when we were wild, finding ourselves in immediate danger triggered the ‘fight or flight’ response in our body that induced hormones like cortisol to flood our systems, caused our heart rates to rise, we’d breathe more heavily, and our blood vessels would constrict. The increased blood flow to our heart and muscles helped us escape from predators and dangerous situations, but these days we’re generally not being chased by man eating beasts on the regular, so this response isn’t quite as necessary.

If you feel like you’ve been experiencing an unhealthy amount of stress lately, and are struggling with ways to ease it, we’ve got you. Below are 5 simple yet FUN ways to destress in an instant:

  1. Take a bath. 
    If you follow us you’ll know how much we love to wind down after a long day with a nice hot bubble bath. We try to make our bath experience as special as possible by lighting candles, adding a few drops of lavender oil to promote relaxation and epsom salts to loosen up tight muscles. Take this special moment each day to be off your phone so you can truly relax and be one with yourself.
  2. Hangs with your BFF.

    This one definitely resonates with us. Sometimes you just need a shoulder, or a hug, or a couch snuggle session involving back-to-back episodes and strawberry milk, or even just a laugh! Your BFF is your BFF for a reason, and although it’s unexplainable at this point, the proof is in the feeling you get when you’re around them.
  3. Go for a hike or run.
    There’s nothing better to clear your mind than a good sweat. Taking a hike is our favorite way to de-stress through a workout because nothing compares to that feeling when you reach the top and have a moment to yourself to reflect. As we all know workouts are scientifically known to increase endorphins in your body, so this is a guaranteed way to de-stress.
  4. Find a creative outlet. Have you ever tried painting or drawing? What about pottery or photography? Doing something creative is a great and healthy way to destress. Finding something that can take your mind off whatever is stressing you out and try to do them regularly.

      5. Buy a Bikini.

Think “Retail Therapy”.
Online shopping has been a serious game changer for people who don’t have a lot of time, or just prefer to avoid the mall. It’s created a relaxed, liberating environment that allows us to browse the archives of countless online stores selling all of our favorite products, without the pressure of a sales assistant breathing down your neck. It’s literally a mini mental vacay. We all do it, so we know it works, and you don’t want to argue with a stressed woman who just wants to shop. Got it?! Good.


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