Whether it be in a lap pool at your local gym, an infinity pool overlooking the Balinese sea, or the enormous body of salt water we’re surrounded by (AKA the ocean), swimming is one of the best exercises out there. Surprisingly, there’s more to it than showing off your newest bikini. In fact, there are many reasons why this specific activity is by far the most beneficial for your health- and it’s not just because you get to strut your stuff past the ex-water polo athletes (although that’s important too).

  1. Babying your Body Parts

Swimming is known as a low-impact sport. So it’s perfect for the lazy days when you need to work out but can barely make it past snooze (not to misinterpret the idea that swimming is “easy”). Unlike running and biking which inflict friction on the knee bones, swimming increases your heart rate without the harsh wear on your moving parts. This is why swimming is common among those with arthritis or other joint injuries. It might be the solution to waking yourself up in the AM when you feel immune to that double espresso shot.

  1. Breathe easier-get fast results

Results, results, results. Isn’t that the point of working out in the first place? So that we see results?! Although you’re not lifting weights in the water, the natural water resistance against every part of you is enough to strengthen and tone your entire bod. It’s a full body workout that increases cardio ability and muscle strength, leaving you lean and mean in time for bikini season.

  1. The No-Boredom Variations

Unlike other outdoor sports like biking or hiking, swimming has multiple variations like the butterfly, backstroke, and breaststroke. Therefore, you’ll never find yourself counting down every last minute of your workout hour like you might find yourself doing in cycle class. The formula: swimming=no boredom.

  1. Bikinis!

Most importantly, swimming as a part of your workout routine is the perfect excuse to treat yourself to a few new suits! It’s a necessary line item in your budget! Try out a couple one-pieces to help you fly through the water like you’re Michael Phelps, then lay yourself out on a luxurious Egyptian cotton beach towel or head to the sauna to dry and flaunt your favorite new swimwear indulgence (that part is half the fun)!

  1. Soothing

There’s something about gliding through water like you have wings that has a soothing effect on the mind and body. Even if you prefer to take a leisurely swim in the early morning, you’re skipping out on the rave-like disco music that you’re using for motivation in boot camp. As you feel the cool water soak through your luscious locks and cleanse your skin, you instantly feel relaxed and in-another-world easy. There’s absolutely nothing more pleasing than a workout that doubles as a meditation moment.


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