The Best Workout Partner – Body Boss Fitness Guide

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Imagine a workout partner that never has an excuse to miss a session, works out with you everyday and is basically your own personal trainer… look no further, we have found the ultimate workout buddy in the BodyBoss fitness guide! This 12 week step-by-step program sets you up with literally everything you need to get in shape, including some serious #fitspo!

We have our own go-to workout routines but as you guys know we always like to try new things. A friend was raving to us about the newly launched BodyBoss fitness guide which only requires 24 minutes, 3x a week – so of course we had to try it for ourselves! After two weeks we’re already seeing some great results- a rare with most fitness guides. The biggest difference we found is that afterburn effect (#BossEffect!) which basically means you continue to burn fat while you sleep!
The program itself includes HIIT workouts with more than 60 different exercises and minimal equipment needed so you can really work out anywhere, anytime! It’s always so important to track your progress too and BodyBoss makes that super simple with a body goal worksheet included 🙂
Apart from seriously effective workouts we also love how the guides acts as a personal trainer of sorts, there to educate its readers on how their body works and how to train in the most effective way. Don’t worry if you’re a total newbie to exercise – the BodyBoss fitness guide includes all exercise instructions, and even bonus pre-training to prepare your body for the actual 12 weeks.
Summer is over but don’t let the winter bring you down! Check out the guide for yourself on!


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