The Worlds Most Dramatic Beaches

The World’s Most Dramatic Beaches

Beaches are beautiful. They’re tranquil. Idyllic. Places to run away to and relax, breathing in the deep calm of the ocean. But they can also be dramatic. Stunning. Jaw dropping. We’ve collated some of the most amazing beaches in the world for you. The ones to go and stare at, to realise how amazing and random this world can be. Enjoy.

Lofoten Islands, Norway

Norway is a country of mystical romanticism, of ruggedness and drama. And the Lofoten Islands don’t disappoint. Serious mountains frame a series of picturesque bays, which in turn are decorated by the sweetest fishing villages. The contrast is simply jaw dropping. To add to the magic, the Islands are located where the Arctic Circle and Norway meet, which means that there is an abundance of natural phenomena: midnight sun during the summer, and the northern lights for the rest of the year. Just wow.

Legzira Beach, Morocco


We mean it when we say that this is as close to Mars as you will ever get. Legzira Beach in southern Morocco is a red piece of art, conjured by the earth Gods to inspire and shock. At eight kilometres long, it is punctuated by two red sandstone arches, which are really all you need to see. Ever. They were carved into the cliffs after endless erosion throughout history, and their image will certainly remain in your minds forever. Even better, the winds mean that it is the perfect place for surfers and paragliders – so whether you’re there for sport, a simple bit of sunbathing or to catch a sunset so unique, you’ll never see natural drama like it.

Vik Beach, Iceland


Vik Beach in Iceland is pretty eery. But not necessarily in a bad way- it is a place so remarkable that you’ll want to see it, even if white Caribbean sands are more your thing. The country is home to around 130 volcanoes, which has a serious effect on its landscape. Black beaches have risen from the ashes, in a phoenix-like splendor. We’re not sure if they’re sent from heaven or hell. Black is pretty ominous, you know. And Vik Beach is one of the most dramatic of them all, with lava formations accentuating the towering cliffs and caves which we just dare you to explore.

Big Sur, California, USA


We know that Big Sur isn’t the most dramatic stretch of coastline in the world, but wanted to include it anyway. It’s significance, history, symbolism (and proximity to our home), mean it is a must visit. And we’re not the only ones who thinks so – artists have run off to Big Sur throughout history, escaping the real world to capture its coves and forested canyons. Even Jack Kerouac documented his time here. It’s often described as ‘the greatest meeting of land and water in the world’, and it’s not hard to see why.

Navagio, Zakynthos, Greece


Navagio is probably one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Firstly, its white sand and bluest-of-blue sea would attract the fussiest of beach goers. But that’s not why it’s made our list. No. It’s here because of the seriously spectacular cliffs which encase the beach in an almost threatening secrecy. They’re so high, and so sharp, that the beach has to be accessed by boat – forget getting there any other way. The excitement is enhanced by the beach’s Pirates of the Carribean-esque shipwreck. Brilliantly, it belonged to smugglers when it landed ashore in 1981, and it’s rusty skeleton is the perfect compliment to this bizarre mix of peace and drama. We love it.

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