#FITSPO Series Part 6: Toning

We have loved working out with you all over the last 6 weeks and hope you will continue to use our favorite routines all year round! For the last part of our series we wanted to focus on toning, sometimes we just want to tone, lengthen and refine so here is our quick and easy workout for toning the body. Remember that workouts are most effective when they are a part of a balanced lifestyle with a healthy diet.


Start standing. Reach your hands up to the sky as you jump up. Upon landing, bend knees/lower butt to bring your hands to the ground. Jump kick the legs back to land in a plank position. Return by jumping your feet forwards to land behind the hands. Then reach the hands up to the sky as you stand to jump in the air. Repeat 15 times.



Get into position by standing with feet hip width apart. Bend knees and lower body down towards floor to place hands on floor. Then step each foot back bringing the body to a plank position. Hold plank for 2 x intervals or 30 sec each.


Start in a squat with arms reaching straight up. Jump up to straighten legs in the air. Upon landing, return to deep squat. Repeat



Start in a plank position. While holding the plank, alternate pulling each knee forward, a la running movement.Mountain-Climbers


Start in downward facing dog with one leg straightened and lifted in the air (down-dog split). Then shift body weight forward as you come into a plank and pull your knee forward towards the heart. Return to down dog split. Repeat.DownDog-Split

Also check out our Workout Playlist on the A BIKINI A DAY SPOTIFY! 
Activewear from Bandier.com
Workout GIFs by Andy Zou
Special thanks to Katherine Greiner from KG Body
Please note that not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program to avoid/reduce the risk of injury.
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  1. For the most recent toning fitspo series you forgot to say how many reps or How many times to repeat jump squats , mountain climbers, and The downward dog split. Thank you and keep it up! I love doing the ABAD workout!! xx

  2. Hey there, how many times should we do the CIRCUIT? Also, how many reps of the down dogs, squats, and mountain climbers should one do?

  3. Hey tash and dev, I’ve loved your fitspo series!! Just wondering how many reps for each exercise in this routine? Thank you X