We have been traveling with Revolve for years now and every time they invite us on another #REVOLVEAroundTheWorld trip we scream a little inside with excitement because we know it’s going to be even better than the last. How do they do it you may ask? How do they continue to top the previous trips? Well, the answer is that their marketing team members are masterminds with impeccable taste.
Cuixmala is easily one of our new favorite places in the world. It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen and is so visually pleasing, it is any creatives dream destination. The eco friendly resort is very exclusive and you must be invited to be allowed to come. In true Revolve style, they rented out the entire property for the month of July for #REVOLVESummer.
Check out CUIXMALA to find out more abut this hidden paradise and shop our looks by clicking the links below!