Today is World Oceans Day – A day to celebrate the ocean and to focus on collaboration for a better future. For the past 6 years, the ocean has been Natasha and Devin’s constant. It was one of the inspirations for the lifestyle that blossomed into A Bikini A Day, and one of the inspirations for the style behind Monday Swimwear. In addition to celebrating the ocean in some way every day, Natasha and Devin are passionate about assisting conservation efforts for oceans all around the world. Besides the inspiration and beauty the ocean provides, the worlds oceans are absolutely crucial to all areas of human life.
Think of the ocean as our planets life support system.
It is the largest ecosystem on earth.
It generates half of the oxygen we breathe.
It is home to a large source of animal protein we eat.
It absorbs dangerous carbon dioxide.
And it dramatically reduces climate change impacts.
As most of us are painfully aware, there are countless terrifying realities facing all of the worlds oceans. Did you know:
Over 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans each year. (When you do the math, that’s a garbage truck of plastic dumping striaght into the ocean, every single minute.)
300,000 dolphins & porpoises die each year due to discarded fishing nets.
Pollution from humans has created dead zones in the oceans. Dead zones are impossible for marine life or plant life of any kind.
If the ocean is restored, over 1 billion people will have access to a healthy seafood meal EVERY DAY.
This World Oceans Day, Natasha and Devin have officially launched an ongoing campaign to bring awareness all around the world. So many dedicated, incredible organizations and individuals are making enormous strides in the right direction for our oceans every single day, but we need everyone on board. Every person can help, and it starts with an acknowledgement and a pledge.
#ISEAYOU seeks to bring awareness to people all around the world, in hopes that everyone will step up and do their part in healing and restoring the world’s oceans.
To help spread Tash & Dev’s message, THE SWIM REPORT teamed up with RAILS to create simple yet adorable tee-shirts. 100% of proceeds go straight to OCEANA.
While there are many worthy organizations to donate the proceeds to, Oceana was selected due to its strong track record of directly making change. Oceana is the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. Founded in 2001, Oceana has sought to win policy victories in the countries that govern much of the world’s marine life. They seek to make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were. Without the prosperity of our oceans, literally every aspect of human life is threatened. Beyond that, we owe it to the species and ecosystems underwater to restore their homes.

Oceana has made impressive impacts across nearly every sector of the ocean. One of Oceana’s most noteworthy accomplishments took years of campaigning, but they were able to successfully remove the Atlantic Ocean from a dangerous 5-year Offshore Drilling Plan. “Oceana built and led a powerful grassroots movement to demonstrate the broad-based and diverse opposition to offshore drilling. As a result, over 110 East Coast municipalities, as well as more than 100 Members of Congress, more than 750 state and local elected officials and approximately 1,100 business interests have publically opposed offshore drilling and/or seismic airgun blasting. Oceana’s organization and mobilization of the people in opposition to offshore drilling led to this major victory for the ocean.” (Read more here)

It is Natasha and Devin’s hope that you’ll join them on their mission of raising awareness to people around the world, because real, lasting change can only be achieved with everyone’s commitment. Every post and every campaign tee-shirt purchased truly helps Oceana’s conservation efforts.

Wear your shirt proudly and make sure to post! (@abikiniaday will be reposting!) Buy your own HERE! Or donate directly to Oceana here.