Doing something that makes you happy is good for you.  Simple. Yes. Agreed.

Going to the beach certainly makes most of us happy, therefore it’s good for us. However there’s more to the sand between your toes and gazing your eyes on the sparkling blue water than just simply feeling good. Unlike other mindless restoration activities, the elements of the beach make it a naturally healing place for various ailments.  Here’s why:

It’s your daily dose of Vitamin D

Did you know that we need vitamin D to help absorb calcium and promote bone growth as well as healthy teeth? Our bodies naturally produce vitamin D when we are exposed to sunlight, but when we don’t get enough sunshine, we can feel a little sad and flat. It’s no wonder Winter weather can leave us feeling a little glum. Also, getting enough vitamin D can reduce your chances of getting the flu. What’s not to like?! It’s also really important for lots of other important body functions like regulating mood-swings. If you have darker skin, you’re less likely to absorb vitamin D from sun exposure, so it’s always a good idea to ask your G.P. if in doubt.

Sand acts as a natural exfoliant

Sand is nature’s natural exfoliant and it can help to slough away dead skin and leave your skin feeling much softer as a result, plus it’s way cheaper than an exfoliating treatment at the spa. Try rubbing sand on the soles and especially the heels of your feet to revitalise those little tootsies. There are thousands of nerve endings on the soles of your feet, so when you walk barefoot on the sand, you’re literally connecting with nature.

The colour blue is calming

If science says it’s true, who are we to argue?! Scientists say the color blue has a calming effect on the psyche. Some people even believe ocean therapy can be used to help treat PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans. We know the color blue is associated with peace and tranquility so get your buns to the beach pronto.

It improves your mental health

In this fast-paced digital age, life can feel overwhelming at times. A digital detox is the best thing you can do for your head. We are so overstimulated with the sheer number of devices, like smartphones, tablets, laptops and televisions it’s just too much noise sometimes. Studies show that there are clear links when it comes to living in a coastal area and mental well-being. Being at the beach means our mind and body both get a cognitive break. Quite simply, it’s almost like pressing the reset button for yourself. We need more of this!

It’s beneficial for your skin

Who knew that the ocean is actually really good for your skin? Seawater is choc full of anti-aging minerals that helps improve the skin’s elasticity like iodine, plus it also helps cuts to heal faster. Just be mindful of the sun’s rays and use a good spf, to avoid getting burnt. Be especially careful when it comes to your face and the suns rays. Don’t forget your floppy sun hat for maximum coverage. Getting burnt is the absolute worst! Our favourite spf bali body gives our arms and limbs a lovely dewy sheen, plus it’s vegan which is big plus in our books. Who doesn’t want to look like a golden goddess? Let’s just say we know all the tricks of the trade when it comes to rocking a bikini!

The beach helps to decrease stress

Trips to the beach can have potentially huge mental health benefits. Scientists say that regular trips to the beach are one of the best ways to ward off stress and depression. There’s also a good reason why you often drift off when you’re lying on the beach, it’s because the rhythmic sound of the waves, actually help your brain to relax.

The beach is good for your lungs

Literally! Ever notice when you first step out on the sand and allow your lungs to be filled with salty air how good it feels? That’s because the sea air contains ions, which calms your senses and helps make us more cheerful. Fact! The salt in the air which contains these negative ions, are also beneficial for your respiratory system.

You never needed an excuse, but if you were looking for one, now you have plenty. So hit the beach, get some serious R&R and let mother nature work her magic on you!


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