Processed with VSCO with 6 preset“Once I went coconut, I never went back” says Kiana Cabell, co-founder of Kopari Beauty, a coconut oil based beauty line out of Hawaii- we can definitely relate.

You guys know how obsessed we are with coconut oil, we want to share all the reasons that you should be too, so we sat down with Kiana to talk about all things coconut!

Why coconut oil and what for?

“Coconut oil is good for so many things, that’s the beauty of it. You can literally use it for anything. I use our Coconut Melt to moisturize my hair, remove my makeup, help hydrate my skin and even shave! All the other amazing ingredients included in our products simply optimize the beauty benefits of our hero ingredient, coconut oil.”

Have you always used coconut oil?

“Growing up in Hawaii, coconut oil has always been a staple in my life. When I was younger I would collect coconuts from the jungle and get my brother to crack them open so I could scoop out the meat to make amateur beauty concoctions.”Processed with VSCO with m6 preset

What are the scientific benefits to coconut oil?

“Coconut oil is the mother of all multitaskers. It’s anti inflammatory, antibacterial, ultra moisturizing, and is packed with anti-aging properties. It mends cuticles, conditions cracked heels, restores split ends, and hydrates the heck out of any place you put it!”

Some people are afraid to put oil on there skin? Is it really ok?

“For years putting oil anywhere near your skin was touted as negative. Aisles in stores were dedicated to products that claimed to be “oil free.” Now putting oil on your skin is more popular than ever. Oil actually helps to balance out oily skin contrary to what some may believe.

Coconut oil has become very popular of late, what sets your brand, Kopari, apart from the rest?

“Many people ask what the difference is between our products and coconut oils found in grocery stores. The answer is simple. Factors like the soil, climate and how the oil is harvested all play a part in the overall quality of the consistency, textures and aroma of product. After testing dozens of coconut oils from all over the world, we believe we have found the holy grail of all coconuts for skin and hair application from small family farms in the Philippines.”Processed with VSCO with a9 preset

What does Kopari mean?

“We came across the word Kopparai on our quest to find the perfect name for our brand. Kopparai dates back to an Indian word for coconut. We removed a few letters making it a little easier to pronounce, and Kopari Beauty was born.”

Your personal favorite product from the line?

“I am obsessed with the Coconut Balm. I love using it as my daily body moisturizer out of the shower on slightly damp skin. My skin drinks up the moisture and feels silky soft.”

How would you describe the girl who uses Kopari?

“The Kopari girl is active and health conscious. She is adventurous and loves to travel and is always looking for the next beautiful beach to explore. She is social, fashionable and always knows the latest trends–we call these girls our ‘Kopari Crushes’ because they’re the kind of girls you want to become besties with from the minute you meet them!”Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Where do the best coconuts in the world come from?

“For coconut oil, the Philippine Islands are hands down the best. If you’re looking for the best fresh coconut water, Young Thai coconuts are the way to go!”

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever used coconut oil for?

“Haha, do you really want to know?!? Coconut oil is hands down the best personal lubricant ever!”

We’re in love with the coconut shimmer body oil, what inspired you to create it?

“Every girl likes a sun-kissed shimmer year-round. I wanted to create a product that could give all girls just that–hydrated, glowy skin with a hint of shimmer to make her feel sexy.”

Who are some Kopari Fans?

“Helen Owen, Desi Perkins, Marianna Hewitt, Anastasia Ashley, and Sjana Elise just to name a few.”

Where can we learn more about Kopari?

Instagram at @KopariBeauty! We try to portray the Kopari lifestyle through our feed, so it’s a fun behind-the-scenes look at the brand and what we’re up to. And of course our website…Koparibeauty.com.”
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