Living in Hawaii – Why You Should and How You Can!

Ready to make a big move and live in the one of the most beautiful and isolated spots on earth?! Hawaii is 2,400 miles from the US and 3,850 miles from Japan, so you can definitely get away from it all and live the dream. We loved living in Hawaii, and Devin was raised there from Kindergarten to High School. We have visited almost all of the eight Hawaiian islands and each one offers something special. Living in Hawaii is such a special experience and if you’re considering a move, we highly recommend it.
Here’s our top three reasons to make the move and our top three tips on how you can make it happen!
Why make the move?
1. The lifestyle, of course!
A typical work day in Hawaii might include having a breakfast of fresh local mangoes squeezed with lime with a slice of local banana bread on your way to the beach, before work, for a quick swim. On your work lunch break, you can often get to a beach in 10 minutes and enjoy a spectacular view. After work, a bike ride or happy hour drinks and pupus (appetizers) with friends watching the sunset are always available. It’s fun to resort hop for happy hour specials or read our article on creating a delicious beach picnic! On your days off the fun activities to do are incredible. From jumping off waterfall cliffs to swimming with huge sea turtles, many of these enjoyments are absolutely free and if not there is a Kamaina (local resident) discount!
In Hawaii, you live simply, naturally and feel relaxed and free.

2.  The natural beauty:

Hawaii really is as breathtaking and as beautiful as you’ve seen in photos. It is as close to paradise as we can imagine. The year round average temperature is lovely and the air is moist (great for your skin) and smells of wonderful tropical flowers and the sea. “There are really only two seasons in Hawaii: Summer (May to October) and Winter (November to April). The average daytime temperature at sea level is 85 F in Summer and 78 F in Winter.”
3. The clean environment: 

You will be able to take deep cleansing breaths and star gaze at night in most areas of Hawaii as there is little air and light pollution. Occasionally, some people are affected by the “Vog” from Mt. Kilaeua’s volcanic activity on the big island of Hawaii, but the trade winds always blows it away.Something that you might not notice right away, but can defiantly appreciate is that there are no billboards in Hawaii and if you are on a hike you will be pleased to know that there are no snakes! Hawaii truly is paradise.

How to make the move:
1. Set your mind to it! 
You can live the dream, but you have to believe it yourself first. See our article on goal setting!
2. Land a job!
Hawaii has many job opportunities. In fact, Honolulu is a major metropolitan city with 850,000 people living on the island of Oahu and hosts 4.5 million visitors annually.
Whether you are a lawyer or waiter you can find work. Businesses on all the islands such as banks, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, boutiques, schools, real estate offices, gyms, spas, flooring companies and whale watching ships need staff. Or, why not start a business by discovering what Hawaii needs.
3. Stretch your money!
Hawaii is expensive. Arrive with a savings account and plan to be frugal, which is not necessarily a burden. An average gallon of gas is currently $2.50 and a gallon of milk ranges from $5.00 – $7.00. If something has to be shipped in like gas or milk (80% comes from the US mainland) then it will cost much more. However, there are many ways to live on less in Hawaii. Here are some tips on how to save money on food, clothing and housing.
Food: Buy produce and meats from fresh and local markets. Mangos, Apple-bananas (a tart delicious small banana), papaya, lilikoi, guava, star fruit, coconuts, avocados, and pineapples, Kona coffee, eggs and locally raised beef and fresh caught fish are abundant.There are also Costco’s and inexpensive local cafes serving favorites like teriyaki chicken, rice and macaroni salad. Better yet, the growing season in Hawaii is year-round so plant an organic garden!
Clothing: You won’t need as much or expensive clothing. Many jobs provide uniforms (airlines, hotels, hospitals) and for men, aloha shirts with no tie or jacket is standard business attire.
Housing: Get a roommate and share a place. Your largest expense will be housing. Look for an “Ohana.” The word Ohana means family in Hawaiian and many homes have attached apartments or separate cottages called Ohanas. They ideally are used for extended family, but many people rent them out.
Go out and get your dreams! You can create them, we promise! We’ve done it. Here is a link to 50 Things you might not know about Hawaii which can help you decide if you should pack your bags.
Lastly, don’t ship your belongings – you can get everything you need there, and by the way, you will need a car. Once you live there, be sure to have funds available for travel off the islands. There is a real syndrome called “rock fever” and you will need to get off “the rock” and visit a continent at least every 18 months. You will appreciate living in Hawaii more when you come back.
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