Designer Profile: Duskii

The wet activewear brand who celebrate women in more ways than one- this designer profile is based on Australian brand duskii. This Sydney based brand has taken the neoprene trend to a whole new level with their feminine and glamorous designs. We have found that wetsuits and neoprene can, more often than not, be uncomfortable and unflattering, but through our interview with the team behind duskii, we have discovered what it takes to create comfortable, sexy swimwear that has an edge in the competitive Australian market. See the full interview below as well as our A BIKINI A DAY X DUSKII shoot, shot in Maui, Hawaii featuring our favorite pieces from duskii’s latest “SPLASH” collection.

Where are you based?

duskii is based in the northern beaches of Sydney, New South Wales.


Duskii swimwear is very distinctive and original, what inspired the look and feel of your first collection?

Duskii was inspired by 50’s bond girl glamour. Think Ursula Andres emerging from the water in Dr.No! We really wanted to create a range of active wear that made women feel empowered, sexy and glamourous when being active in the ocean.


What was the inspiration behind the new collection “Splash”?

Splash was born out of the desire to offer a line of duskii with a focus on swim. Duskii’s main collection is very much focused on a wet activewear offering- think surfing, SUP, and diving. Splash is a two piece bikini collection for the duskii girls who like to have a bit of fun in the pool or poolside. The neoprene still sits at the premium level of duskii’s active offering.


Is neoprene easy to work with?

At duskii we really invest in the quality of neoprene fabrics we use in our collections.

We are very demanding of our suppliers, and our product requires a lot of testing for its ability to stretch, its antibacterial qualities, durability and insulation. So while it’s an amazing textile to work with because of the capabilities- it does require a lot of meticulous attention to construct into our garments. It is all worth it however because the result is a very high performing product.


Being an Australian designer do you release your collections based on the seasons of the Southern Hemisphere?

duskii collections are not necessarily seasonal based- being an activewear brand our collections are based on the need for product to wear all year round. We have stockists in northern hemisphere markets who sell our collection in their resort, and activewear categories at the same time we sell in the summer months in Australia.


What do Australian woman look for in a bikini?

Australian women are renowned for being fit, healthy and gorgeous. Aussie girls spend a lot of time in the ocean, in their bikini’s, on the beach so they want something that is of good quality and can endure days spent in the salt water. Australian women are also fashion conscious, so bikinis or one pieces’ that offer that style element and flatter in all the right places is key.


What was the hardest part about starting a swimwear label?

I think initially it was quite overwhelming as there are so many things to do. Once we defined Duskii and knew that we were filling a much needed gap in the market it was taking each step at a time-from branding to finding the perfect PR firm to setting up an office to seeking the highest of quality in all our fabrications. Lots of fun research trips involved!


The “fashion industry” is known to be cut throat and competitive, is the swimwear industry the same?

There are a lot of amazing swim brands out there, however duskii was born out of the recognition of there being very minimal wet active brands, that focused on the shape and style as much as the function and technical capability of neoprene. I don’t think women tend to be hugely loyal to one brand when it comes to their swim wardrobe- they like to mix up their beach attire during summer, have some fun and rock suits that flatter their shape.

If you could see any celebrity in your designs who would it be?

Elle Macpherson- she epitomizes the Australian beach girl- her healthy and active lifestyle is so aligned with duskii’s ethos. She would look amazing in our active range.


What is the “Duskii” girl like?

The duskii girl loves a beach and coastal lifestyle; she is active and confident and embraces a good time. We don’t really target a certain girl that embodies the duskii brand- we envision duskii to be relatable and wearable for gorgeous women all different shapes and body types.


As a brand are there anyways you are tying to make a difference in the world?

Duskii was conceptualized from the recognition of there being a lack of wet activewear that was flattering and inspiring to wear. We love celebrating women and encourage them to get out there, be active and show themselves off while being in the water- we are totally about promoting confidence and embracing the female form. Duskii are also lovers of the ocean and the beach, and making the most of this amazing natural resource to aide a fit and healthy lifestyle. We hope duskii to inspire!


What is the best part of being in the swimwear industry?

Best part of being in the swim industry is the lifestyle surrounding it- we love everything to do with a beach lifestyle and getting outdoors. Duskii has allowed us to work with people who also live that lifestyle, and have a shared outlook. It’s quite amazing offering a product that women have been super excited about getting into and wearing while doing what they love.


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