FITSPO Series Part 2: Activewear Style

Processed with VSCOcam with c2 presetLately we have been as obsessed with activewear as we are with bikinis. The days of wearing your old pajamas and ripped baggy shorts to work out are over, being active is now a chance to make a fashion statement. “Activewear Style” is all about layering, pops of color, bold prints and edgy designs but the best part is that designers are making sports bras, leggings and running shoes comfier than ever!  For the 2nd part of our #FITSPO series we teamed up with one of our favorite stores, Bandier, in one of our favorite cities, New York, to give you some fitness fashion inspiration.

Scroll down for style/ product links.

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fitspo series 4

Activewear from

Photography by Kat in NYC

See the MAKING OF here:

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  1. Dear tash and deV,

    Thank you so much for your efforts in inspiring Young women like myself to love our own bodies the way they are. I have far too often seen friends and famIly striving to fit current beaty standards and falling short, simply because they are unattaiNAble. It truly is comforting to know that two women as stunning as you both know what it feels like Not to fit the waif-model ideal, and i hope that someday i can continue to follow in your footsteps while promotinG my own healthy lifestyle.

    Thanks again xoxo,
    Elizabeth ClArk
    Avid abad reader

  2. i love all the clothes! i was also just wondering about the shoes! i love the black nikes that dev is wearing in the picture of tash stretching and dev modeling. could i know where to Get thOse?:) thank you:)

  3. Girls! You are so inspiring! You are both amazing! I’d really like to be like you! There is 2 days, I’ve done your butt workout and it burns! I love see you together, you do a very great job on your blog! I love the design! You are so natural! I hope I’ll see you one day! Big love from France <3 <3 Have a good day lovelies!

  4. That last black crop is insane! Love it!

    Such great shots- I love working out with my friends, it helps keep me motivated and working harder, plus it is fun! It shows in this shoot- I love these photos! So bright and happy!

    x Jenelle