Crazy For Coconut

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Healthy looking skin and hair have a lot to do with adding antioxidants into your diet, but there are also topical solutions that enhance the look of your skin, hair and teeth. At ABAD we have learned to embrace the craziest of treatments when it comes to our skin and hair regimen, and sometimes it’s a good idea to look back and see what other people from around the world have been using for their beauty treatments. Women in the Pacific Islands for instance have used coconut oil for centuries, and there is no arguing that when you see a photograph of a Polynesian woman the first thing you notice is flawless skin and silky flowing hair. It’s no surprise that we are now crazy for coconut.

What ages our skin, as some of you may know, is free radicals. It’s also responsible for the breakdown of our connective tissue, which means that your smooth and supple skin, will become saggy and wrinkly. In terms of hair, coconut oil treatment will give you that luxurious look that you see in glossy magazines; your hair will look shiny (not oily), increase hair’s strength, and add body as well. The coconut will penetrate your hair shaft, getting past the cuticle and thus protect it from protein loss; also, it is known for treating dandruff, encouraging new hair growth and repairing over-processed hair.

So how does this treatment work?

As a conditioning treatment: At least a couple of times per month you should massage about two tablespoons of warmed coconut oil (more if you have super thick, long hair) and massage into damp hair, including scalp. You may want to skip the scalp massage if it’s the tips of your hair that need attention mostly. Make sure to cover your hair with a shower cap. Leave it in for at least 30 minutes before rinsing it out, if you can afford to leave it in for longer, then it’s best do so. If you’re in a hurry, even 15 minutes are better than nothing at all. When rinsing out the oil you will need to shampoo your hair a few times, and massage your scalp thoroughly because coconut oil is very heavy, and you may otherwise remain with oily hair

Daily use: After shampooing your hair, take a few drops of coconut oil and massage into the tips of your hair and it will work as a detangler.

Skin treatment: Use a drop of coconut oil on the tips of your fingers and massage into your face, make sure that there is no oil residue. You will see instant results, but like anything else, with repeated treatment you will see even more results. It will strengthen your skin and it also works as an exfoliant so your skin will ultimately look younger and fresher.

For whiter teeth: Either place a bit of coconut oil on your index finger and rub all over your gums and teeth, then spit it out, do not rinse with water. The oil can cut through plaque quite effectively without harming the teeth or gums. You will also find that your teeth will maintain a whiter look and and nice shine.

It is important to note that you have to make sure that you purchase the right type of coconut oil, one that has not been over-processed otherwise you will not benefit from the treatments at all.  You want to make sure that your oil still preserves its vitamin E and other antioxidants.

Besides using pure coconut oil, we also adore the Australian brand COCOOIL. COCOOIL SPF is the first 100% natural botanical oil with SPF, giving you all the wonders that coconut oil has to offer with added broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection, something of utmost importance. We also love using their Aftersun Lime Coconut Oil, which smells divine and has supreme skin saving properties. We slather this on generously!

You can check out their entire line of products HERE.

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Photography credit The Drifter Blog



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