“Oh Hello” Hair Hydrating Mask

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We are big fans of using hair masks once every week or two in order to improve our hair’s condition and increase its natural shine. Every single woman can admit to either color treating, heat styling, or exposing their hair to the sun frequently, so if you don’t already use a hair mask, now is a great time to start! We can finally say we have found our favorite one on the market that really does the trick.

Hello Hair Hydrating Mask is 100% natural and filled with miracle working ingredients such as coconut, argan and almond oil. The fact that this mask is all natural is of utmost importance because you absolutely do not want to apply any chemicals to your delicate hair. Chemicals and artificial ingredients are found in many other hair products that end up actually damaging your hair even more. We can see and feel the difference in our hair after using this rich hydrating mask. It moisturizes, strengthens and protects our locks from breakage. The ingredients of course cannot alter the hair’s chemical properties, but the deep-conditioning effects the hair’s outer cuticle, leaving it noticeably shiny and incredibly soft.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetIngredients:

Coconut oil helps add shine and works as a natural moisturizer for dry, damaged hair.

Almond Oil has high magnesium content, and when massaged into the scalp can reduce hair loss and improve hair’s overall quality. The levels of protein and Vitamin E it contains also stimulates hair growth.

Argan Oil is also known as “liquid gold” due to the many benefits it has for dry, unruly hair. It naturally smoothes flyways and nourishes the hair.

Olive Oil is wonderful for your hair’s overall health. It smoothes split ends, moisturizes and eliminates dandruff.

Olive Leaf Extract is brilliantly moisturizing and hydrates from deep within the hair follicle to add incredible luster and shine. It is also a naturally anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredient.

Castor Oil benefits the roots and scalp to prevent dryness. It also adds thickness to hair, reduces hair breakage and combats hair loss due to its high content of omega-9 fatty acids.

To use Hello Hair Hydrating Mask, work 2-3 squirts into dry hair and leave on for at least 30 minutes, but the longer the better. For an even deeper treatment, you can leave it on overnight; just wear a shower cap and put a towel over your pillow. Then, rinse your hair out in the shower and shampoo and condition as usual. If you have thick/long hair make sure to scrub well to get all the product out! We also find that styling our hair is much easier after using the mask.

Say hello to the all-natural solution to your hair care needs with Hello Hydrating Mask. It has quality ingredients and gives the hair a healthy, beautiful look we can’t get enough of!

For dreamy hair, order here.
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  1. I love abikiniday, and This is a great article!! I’m always looking for inspirations on how to love my body 🙂
    I wrote a similar article on how to make natural-oil hair masks..
    Visit the new #BlueberryPost for fun health & lifestyle tips and tricks, and feel free to leave your comments and share 😉

