Tasty Facials and Beautiful Skin

Screen Shot 2014-01-20 at 5.52.05 PMTASTY FACIALS AND BEAUTIFUL SKIN

Most of us are guilty of spending a little too much money on beauty products that may or may not improve the health and appearance of our skin. The truth is, that in order to maintain healthy looking skin all you need to do is look in your fridge or pantry. Many manufactured facial products contain artificial ingredients that are just not good for us. In the same way that we worry about the chemicals found in our food, we should be mindful about anything we apply to our skin. All of the ingredients for your home beauty regimen have great nutritional value, so it’s no surprise that when used as part of your skincare routine, they will enhance the health and beauty of your skin. Play around with these recipes, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results!

Leave all masks on the face for 15-20 minutes, remove with warm water, towel dry, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen before you go!

Pineapple mask- One spear of pineapple, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of honey, one egg white, blend and then place in the fridge for a bit until it thickens. Pineapple is rich in alpha-hydroxy acid, which is found in many wrinkle creams due to its ability to slow down the aging process. Olive oil gives a youthful glow, while the honey contains antibacterial properties that reduce blemishes. Lastly, the egg whites help with basically all skin problems, especially keeping the skin looking youthful because of its high Vitamin A and collagen content.

Oatmeal facial scrub- Take a small handful of rolled oats, dampen with warm water and massage into your face and neck in a circular motion. Oatmeal is a natural remedy for acne due to its cleansing properties, and the coarse, grainy texture makes it the perfect, cheap exfoliant. Also, try to collect the pieces from your sink so that it does not clog the drain.

Olive oil and lemon mask- All you need to do is put 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice onto your face for moisturized and glowing skin. Olive oil is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that are able to penetrate deep into the pores to improve skin texture, as well as having anti-inflammatory agents. Lemon is another facial superpower that heals, tones, and brightens the skin.

Avocado, milk and lemon mask: Mix ¼ avocado, 1 teaspoon of milk and a squeeze of lemon. Avocados are rich in biotin, which prevents dry skin and provides elasticity. Milk has an incredible smoothing effect that will shrink pores and make the skin luminous.

Papaya mask: Massage a tablespoon of ripe papaya flesh (no seeds) into your skin. Papaya leaves you with tight and bright skin. It contains enzymes that get rid of old skin cells in order to expose glowing and rejuvenated skin. Make sure to wait a few moments before leaving the bathroom so that the mask dries and you don’t create a trail of papaya along the floor.


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No Comments Yet
  1. Hello! Love theSe masks 🙂 BUt the pineApple mask says to use egg yolK, then later on it says egg whites? Not sure if it was a typo or what! Just wanted to make sure im going to Use the right one! Thanks 🙂

  2. I’ve done avocado masks before… I love the idea of adding milk and lemon to it. these are great ideas… I can’t wait to try them out!

  3. Great face mask! Can’t wait to try them 😉 It would be perfect to give us also your hair treatMent / mask advices!!!

  4. Just did the avocado/milk facial and my skin feels soooo soft! Cant wait to try the pineapple one next 🙂

  5. I just tried it yesterday and my skin feels so soft and even brighter. I love using the natural things on my skin.